Our Presence in the BIM Community

14/06/2016, by admin, in , 0 comments

Technology evolves fast. In order to always be updated about what’s new as well as share ideas with other professionals, it’s very important to be present wherever the subject is building information modeling. We at BIMSolutions are part of several BIM and AEC communities, discussion forums and blogs like Autodesk Discussion Group, AUGI – Autodesk Users Group International, ORUG – Ontario Revit Users Group, GORUG – Greater Ottawa Users Group, etc. We also attend AU – Autodesk University, local Autodesk events and BIM meetings. We are part of the Building SMART Alliance, which works hard to define BIM standards. On top of that, BIMSolutions is part of the select group of Autodesk Beta version testers, wich allow us to try beforehand the new directions the software is moving as well as part of Autodesk Feedbackprogram, which allow us to give our opinion on software usage.